Someone's Gaze
[Unofficial Dubbed]
Title: Dareka no Manazashi (Japanese: だれかのまなざし, lit. Someone's Gaze)
Year of publication: 2013
Run time: 7 minutes
Quality: 720p, 480p
Language: Hindi (FANDUB)
Genres: Animation, Drama, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Synopsis: Aya Okamura has been working for two years and started living on her own for job opportunities. With his mother working abroad as a doctor, his father now lives alone with the family's longtime pet cat Mi-san. One night, Aya returns from a long day of work, and as she rests in her bed, she reminisces about the time the family spent together. He remembers the sadness he felt when his mother went abroad, and the comfort he felt when his father brought Mi-sun home to comfort her. Then, he received a phone call.
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